"As the presidential campaign goes into full swing, the American public is likely to be bombarded with the kind of misleading clichés and false dichotomies that distort serious discussion of health care reform in this country. One of these false dichotomies is “private market versus government” health care or 'private market versus socialized medicine.' Both terms mislead because their users seem not to understand precisely what the terms mean or, if they do, use them mischievously. The term “socialized medicine” in particular conveys to some an objectionably “un-American” form of government: socialism," wrote Uwe E. Reinhardt in the September 8, 2008 issue of America at http://www.americamagazine.... Reinhardt explains that government is deeply entrenched in so-called "private health care."
I have Medicare and my primary insurance is a private company that has supplanted the social program with a joint private and government system and had the healthcare plan been accepted by the American people, the insurance companies would have taken the lead. The rich who were spreading paranoia, stood to gain the most, but perhaps there remains this belief that health care is only for the elite.
Some of the elite wealthy bloggers on AZCentral, the online version of the Arizona Republic, have expressed the belief that the poor, elderly and disabled are expendable by suggesting that all social programs be suspended. They like to accuse with false statement and innuendo, but I will not stoop to their level, only to say they are facists of a kind, but they are also a symptom of a hidden brew of emotions in America that has been simmering for decades.
"We didn't stand up and what happened? They took prayer out of the schools and replaced it with drugs. We didn't stand up and we got legalized abortion and they are killing babies. And if we don't stand up now, God help us," said one woman as quoted in a Voice of America news.com in the story, Anger Beyond Healthcare Debate Fuels Emotional Town Meetings by Jim Malone at http://www.voanews.com/engl... and the story demonstrates that there is a growing murmur of anger around the nation.
According to Wikipedia, prayer was almost singlehandedly taken out of schools by athiest Madalyn Murray O'Hair when she won a lawsuit against a Baltimore school concerning prayer in 1963. God haters rejoiced that day, but when you do not fear God, bad things can happen. Ms. O'Hair died a violent death in 1995, along with her son Jon Murray and granddaughter Robin. They were murdered and hacked into pieces then buried and all for money from the athiest organization. In the end, I wonder if she cried out to God for mercy?
Legalized abortion largely came about because it was being done illegally by the mothers themselves with a coat hanger or going to a back alley butcher with only rudimentary medical skills.
The National Abortion Federation cites that abortion was legal for thousands of years in almost every culture until the mid-1800's. One of the reasons for making abortion illegal included fears that the population would be dominated by the children of newly arriving immigrants, whose birth rates were higher than those of "native" Anglo-Saxon women, says the National Abortion Federation "History of Abortion" page at http://www.prochoice.org/ab... and the strongest force behind the drive to criminalize abortion was the attempt by doctors to establish for themselves exclusive rights to practice medicine. They wanted to prevent "untrained" practitioners, including midwives, apothecaries, and homeopaths, from competing with them for patients and for patient fees.
By Roe v. Wade, the NAF records as many as 1.2 million abortions done in history before 1973. Since that time, the established medical community has been trying to eradicate midwives as well and they are medical professionals blessed in the Bible.
So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous, Exodus 1:20.
"Midwifery is an ancient tradition that is present in almost every culture all over the world. The earliest recorded history bears witness to the fact that midwives have played a significant role worldwide. Egyptian hieroglyphics, early Chinese and Hindu writings, and the Bible all refer to midwives," says the Missouri Midwives Association http://www.missourimidwives... Midwives in Missouri have been under fire by the state government and pushed by the mainstream medical community wishing for babies to be born in a safe, medical facility and maintained for high profits. In the summer of 2008, Missouri Governor Matt Blunt signed into law an exemption for certified midwives to practice medicine without a license. It was a win for nontraditional medicine, but the war continues.
The debate for nationalized health care has reached into the hearts of many in America raising fears from the rich that they alone will bear the cost of medical treatment for each and every American. In contrast, those in poverty, disabled and elderly fear that it will lead to their systematic genocide, of which the government is already engaged in with inadequate health care insurance and doctors refusing to treat patients without means of payment. Genocide would save the rich billions of dollars.
"Many doctors in Manhattan, Miami and other places where medical care is expensive say they are curtailing services for the elderly because of sharp reductions in the payments they receive from Medicare," wrote Milt Freudenheim in a New York Times 1992, article entitled Physcians Refuse Medicare Patients http://www.nytimes.com/1992... and more recent stories of doctors refusing Medicaid and Medicare patients continues.
Just this year, Walgreens in Delaware refused to fill prescriptions paid for with Medicaid patients http://www.delawareliberal.... . Perhaps the protest is warranted, but the collaterol damage in the war are people who are being singled out regardless, therefore the fears of some extermination camp if nationalized health care is passed is groundless. The genocide is here. Right now. People are dying from neglect while both sides argue! Obviously, there is no need for an organized camp because people can be conveniently ignored to death right at home.
In 2003, doctors at Colorado University (CU) in Denver Colo. were going to the Denver Post about claims that the hospital was refusing to treat impoverished patients! http://www.globalaging.org/... Tell me there isn't a plan for genocide of people in the United States who are taking up space because they are either poor, disabled or just too old. It's subtle, but it's organized and it is growing more blatent. Genocide indeed exists in the United States!
Bio-Medicine reports that Medicaid patients are less likely to be approved for cardiac treatment than those with private health insurance suggesting at the very least, classism. That too is a form of genocide by selection like the Nazi's did. The Bio-Medicine website reports that HMO's even approve more patients than Medicaid does http://news.bio-medicine.or... Pitiful.
Genocide. Clear and simple.
Finally, if nationalized health care is like the VA system ... definitely genocide. Lines will be formed. It will be quick and painless. Drink the Kool-Aid and no prayers will be allowed in a government building.
I don't think so. Thousands, if not millions of Americans know now. In their hearts, God speaks to them with warnings of something evil that comes. An almost Biblical collapse of a global economy as well as legislators heavily invested, giving aid in billions of dollars to those same corporations and banks from taxpayer money shows real greed as predicted in the End Times. The intentional movement of American jobs to overseas locations thereby crippling the ideals of the American way of life as well as the systematic dismantling of the political substructure to rebuild the foundation of our beliefs means we are in some deep deep trouble. Somehow, profit is not only more important than human life, but it is socially acceptable to let ol' grandma die and be done with it.
It has a lot of people believing the Antichrist is here and about to strike.
Ammunition is being sold so fast it can't stay on the shelves and all the government has to do is wait until the public simmers down and believes it's all just their imagination. Just a delusion and how many times have I heard that before? When it's said so much, a person begins to believe the lies until a small miracle happens from an unexpected source and God warns it is deception! Witchcraft of a kind.
Most of all, is the evidence that it is impossible that someone like me could be friends with someone like Stevie Nicks. Obviously, I have been singled out for extermination and she has not. Rich vs. poor. My time will come by institutional neglect by a medical health care system designed to fail. Most likely my prescription medication will be too expensive to be refilled. No one will even notice when I expire as any of the poor, disabled or elderly.
No matter which way you look at this health care debate, the poor, elderly and disabled come up the losers. They are expendable.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Self reliance in today's economy
I'm preparing to register a few Boer goats with the American Boer Goat Association under the new farm name of R.K. Farmstead and it used to be the Enchanted Farmstead, but that is another story and a very complicated tale at that. It was used in a strategy developed by God to help an old friend out of a tough situation, but seldom do the poor and struggling ordinary Americans have the benefit of a ... vigilante writer to attack their problems with words. Anyway ...
The perfect farm for a family to run for their self reliance would be about 10 acres and that would include a small home based business in whatever their skills and expertise might be.
There is a movement to complete self reliance with either no electricity, a generator for occasional electricity for watching TV at certain times, working on the computer or full time electrical power with either piped in power from the mainline or a home electrical system selling power back to the corporation. Pardon the redundancies.
Next would be water and for some farms, that's irrigation for the crops and a well for drinking water or it might be "county water" similar to city water systems and it's often a good idea to have the water tested too. It might seem like a convenience to have extra limbs on a calf for the meat, but not if they glow in the dark. My late wife always said, "Richard, we're not buying land unless it's got electricity and water!"
Another option would be to buy raw land and build all new everything including fences. It could take years, but you could grow into it ... so to speak.
The perfect farm would have a pond to water the livestock, and hogs with ponds aren't a good idea. Cattle, goats or horses would do fine with a pond. Hogs would ruin the pond and you sure couldn't fish in it. Boer goats are not only fashionable, but very profitable. Cattle panels work best with any goat because they will ruin a good fence. Woven wire is not good for anything but cattle and horses get their legs easily caught in the cheap farm fence. Barbed wire is no good for an expensive horse either and at least five strands with an electric fence are needed for goats if you choose to go with barbed wire. Cattle will do fine on three strands of barbed wire.
There are fence jokes for the farm too: Every farmer has a PhD (post hole digger). Every farmer is well practiced in the art of fencing, just not with swords.
The good news is that if you go with Boer goats, you will do well in the stock market - the livestock market.
It is true that many farms have outbuildings and barns that are better looking than the home that the farmer and family live in and some have fancy trucks and others just have old trucks with excellent running engines and drive trains.
As for all the equipment, it depends on what you want to do, but it's best to start small and work yourself up.
The reason for self sustaining living is pretty evident because highly educated people intentionally destroyed their own companies with their incompetetence and now they intend to move many of their corporations overseas after dumping all of their American employees. Even investors in Scottsdale are investing where the money is because that's all they care about, but what do expect from people who are stupid enough to pay a million dollars an acre in property taxes a year for the privilege of living in worthless desert?
Ordinary Americans need to get back to depending on themselves and not on a corporation because they have demonstrated that the only thing they care about is the bottom line and neithter loyalty to their country or to an employee means anything to them. These nitwits have left us with no choice, but to plan out our lives because if left up to our highly educated leaders, we will all be living on the street in five years.
The perfect farm for a family to run for their self reliance would be about 10 acres and that would include a small home based business in whatever their skills and expertise might be.
There is a movement to complete self reliance with either no electricity, a generator for occasional electricity for watching TV at certain times, working on the computer or full time electrical power with either piped in power from the mainline or a home electrical system selling power back to the corporation. Pardon the redundancies.
Next would be water and for some farms, that's irrigation for the crops and a well for drinking water or it might be "county water" similar to city water systems and it's often a good idea to have the water tested too. It might seem like a convenience to have extra limbs on a calf for the meat, but not if they glow in the dark. My late wife always said, "Richard, we're not buying land unless it's got electricity and water!"
Another option would be to buy raw land and build all new everything including fences. It could take years, but you could grow into it ... so to speak.
The perfect farm would have a pond to water the livestock, and hogs with ponds aren't a good idea. Cattle, goats or horses would do fine with a pond. Hogs would ruin the pond and you sure couldn't fish in it. Boer goats are not only fashionable, but very profitable. Cattle panels work best with any goat because they will ruin a good fence. Woven wire is not good for anything but cattle and horses get their legs easily caught in the cheap farm fence. Barbed wire is no good for an expensive horse either and at least five strands with an electric fence are needed for goats if you choose to go with barbed wire. Cattle will do fine on three strands of barbed wire.
There are fence jokes for the farm too: Every farmer has a PhD (post hole digger). Every farmer is well practiced in the art of fencing, just not with swords.
The good news is that if you go with Boer goats, you will do well in the stock market - the livestock market.
It is true that many farms have outbuildings and barns that are better looking than the home that the farmer and family live in and some have fancy trucks and others just have old trucks with excellent running engines and drive trains.
As for all the equipment, it depends on what you want to do, but it's best to start small and work yourself up.
The reason for self sustaining living is pretty evident because highly educated people intentionally destroyed their own companies with their incompetetence and now they intend to move many of their corporations overseas after dumping all of their American employees. Even investors in Scottsdale are investing where the money is because that's all they care about, but what do expect from people who are stupid enough to pay a million dollars an acre in property taxes a year for the privilege of living in worthless desert?
Ordinary Americans need to get back to depending on themselves and not on a corporation because they have demonstrated that the only thing they care about is the bottom line and neithter loyalty to their country or to an employee means anything to them. These nitwits have left us with no choice, but to plan out our lives because if left up to our highly educated leaders, we will all be living on the street in five years.
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