Saturday, December 14, 2013

A New Kind of Publishing Company

Lana Jefferies Music LLC (LJM) is a music and video recording company, but the website at sells much more than just music and films.

Now if you're an independent artist, writer, musician, singer, etc., you can sell your work with LJM as a downloadable product! If it's a story, we can do fact checking and proofreading and the rates are variable for this service.

So what if you're a singer, without a band, or a gifted musician far above your friends and need to record with other professionals? The computer software exists to use a music track to email to our company and we mix it with local artists or your friends on other continents. The first album of Toto was created like this and the mixing software has enormously changed since the 80's! Then each time a sale is made on the website, the band gets a huge chunk of the money!

The secret to our eventual success is keeping costs very low, using state-of-the-art software and trying to work with other startup companies and studios around the world.

Visit our website today and check us out. The prices are kept low to help people and to make more global sales for our clients. You might even be invited to join the Board of Members on the corporation and hold meetings via video-conferencing. It is a NWO of doing things and the average person will benefit from it. Namaste.

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